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Average COVID-19 Community Vulnerability Score by State Based on Census Tract Data

Source: U.S. Department of Health & Human Services (CSV).
  • Alaska ranks highest in average community vulnerability with a total score of 24.725.
  • Michigan, Oklahoma, and Pennsylvania follow behind Alaska, indicating relatively high vulnerability scores.
  • A notable gap in average scores is observed with the highest state (Alaska) having a score greater than 24 while the 20th ranked state (Louisiana) has a score closer to 15.
  • States such as Delaware, Florida, and Maine also reflect substantial vulnerability, scoring over 20 in the average total score.
  • The rankings and scores are indicative of the varying degrees of community vulnerability related to COVID-19 factors across different states.
  • This analysis provides a high-level perspective, which may mask variations and specificities at the local level within each state.

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