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Performance on ELA Assessments by Student Groups for Washington State Schools in the Year 2020

Source: OSPI Data (CSV). The dataset details the performance on various graduation pathways for the class of 2020 in the four-year cohort, as reported by the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction for Washington State. Dates: 2020-01-01 to 2020-12-31
  • Students identified as 'Non-Low Income' ranked highest on average ELA Assessment scores with 0.86, suggesting higher performance among economically advantaged students.
  • Asian students and Students without Disabilities followed closely with average scores of 0.85 and 0.85 respectively, indicating strong ELA performance in these groups.
  • The group identified as 'Students with Disabilities' had the lowest average performance with a score of approximately 0.39, revealing a significant gap when compared to other student groups.
  • Economically disadvantaged students ('Low-Income') and English Language Learners also showed lower average performances with scores of approximately 0.73 and 0.41, pointing towards a possible need for additional support in these demographics.
  • Differences in average ELA assessment scores may reflect disparities in access to resources, learning accommodations, and other socioeconomic factors.

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